I’ve been using the Winesave Pro now for just on one year. in that time l’ve used not quite three canisters. I’ve been a wine collector, writer and consumer for many years, and now that we reside in the tropics I also mix a range of cocktails.
What I have found with Winesave is firstly that it works. But the wonderful thing about this product is that it preserves a lot more than our precious wine.
We use it to preserve all the mixers that have lower than spirits levels of alcohol, like Aperol, vermouth, campari, Baileys. Any of those mixers under, say, 30% alcohol will deteriorate quite rapidly, even stored in the fridge. I am now keeping these for several months with no apparent deterioration.
I also use Winesave for fruit juice such as cranberry juice, that only gets used in cocktails, and it appears to last indefinitely.
As for Champagne and sparkling wines – well let’s assume that no one wants to put an unfinished bottle of Champagne back in the fridge. For other sparkling wines we just use the same procedure and replace with a Champagne stopper and they easily last for many days with lots of fizz left.
I’ve used many wine preserving products over the years, but it seems to me that Winesave has virtually made them obsolete overnight. The absolute simplicity of Winesave is rather weird at first, but once you use it and learn to trust it, you will have no fear of opening anything that is not going to be finished that day or week.